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4.3.7 Mesoscale Terrain Climatic Models |
Mesoscale models give only a strongly parameterised representation of development structures (e.g. on porosity like in FITNAH; GROSS, 1991). Microscale models, in contrast, present details of the individual buildings and allow for an examination of processes at individual buildings or even parts of buildings. Mesoscale models are mainly used for the description of regional wind conditions caused by the topographic and thermal situation. The generated wind field can then be used to calculate the dispersion. For the representation of topographic processes changing in the course of the day, it is inevitable to run the prognostic models over a particular simulation period, in this case mostly 24 hours and more. This allows for a numerical simulation of the various physical properties of the structures comprised in the model and their impacts on the mesoclimate. Examples for mesoscale models in the field of topographic and urban climatology are: FITNAH (GROSS, 1991) and METRAS (SCHLÜNZEN, 1998, 1990).
Under the authority of the Landesanstalt für Umwelt, Messungen und Naturschutz Baden-Württemberg (LUBW) the working group „METCON Umweltmeteorologische Beratung/Ingenieurbüro Rau" calculated synthetic wind statistics in a 500-m-resolution for Baden-Württemberg by using METRAS-PC. The wind statistics are designed for problems in the field of immission protection (TA Luft) but a usage in ohter applications (e.g. urban planning) is possible. The LUBW offers the wind statistics under: