Deutsch      Englisch       

1.Climate as a Public Interest in Planning and Zoning
2.Characteristics and Forms of the Urban Climate
3.Energy-Conscious Planning and Zoning
4.Methods of Information Acquisition for Planning (Measurements, Wind Tunnels, Numerical Modelling)
4.1.1Stationary Measurements
4.1.2Measurements with mobile measurement devices
4.1.3Tracer Experiments
4.1.4Vertical Soundings
4.2Wind Tunnel
4.2.2Operation and Investigation Methods of flows and pollutant dispersion by smoke Velocity Measurements of Concentration Distribution in Dispersal Experiments
4.2.3Locations of Wind Tunnels
4.3Numerical Modelling of Flow and Transport Processes
4.3.1The Wind Field Model DIWIMO
4.3.2The Cold-Air Flow Model KALM and KLAM 21
4.3.3The Model STREET for Estimating Traffic-Produced Pollution
4.3.4The Model MLuS-02 for Calculating Pollutant Dispersal
on Roads Without Dense Peripheral Development
4.3.5The Model PROKAS for Calculating Air Pollution on Roads
4.3.6The Micro-Scale Model MISKAM
4.3.7Mesoscale Terrain Climatic Models
4.3.8The Urban Climate Models RayMan , ENVI-met and MUKLIMO_3
5.Climatic and Air Hygiene Maps as Aids for Planning and Zoning (Example: Climate Atlas Federation Region Stuttgart)
6.Recommendations for Planning
8.Thematic Websites
 4.3.1 The Wind Field Model DIWIMO

Knowledge of the wind field near the ground is important for many relevant environmental questions. Valleys, crests, and other orthographic characteristics as well as land use influence the wind field near the ground. One possibility for quantitatively computing the influence of orthography at individual points is offered by diagnostic wind field modeling, e.g. with the model DIWIMO (SCHAEDLER, LOHMEYER, 1996).

The model can be used among other things for the following questions:

  • Preparation of wind fields for dispersal models
  • Estimation of the influence of planned development (landfills, dumps, expansion of built-up areas) on the wind field
  • Transfer of wind statistics to locations with no existing wind measurements
  • Production of synthetic wind statistics
  • Production of ground wind maps (e.g. for wind energy use)
Figure 4/17 reproduces an example of the result of a calculation with the model DIWIMO. One can recognize where the large-scale airflow near the ground is substantially altered in areas with sharp relief. This reflects on the one hand the change in wind velocity – easily recognizable from the airflow shown coming from the northwest in the central-city area of Stuttgart and the Neckar Valley – and on the other hand the change in wind direction. Thus even southwesterly wind directions arise in the Nesenbach Valley flowing into the city "cauldron" of Stuttgart

The example shown was generated with a scale of 250 m. In selected cases, e.g. in smaller areas, measurements should be made on a smaller scale. The calculation of various wind flow directions, insofar as the directional distribution of the large-scale wind flow is known, also permits the creation of synthetic windroses (Figure 4/18).

Since 2003, the wind field of Stuttgart online calculated every half hour and published on the Internet. (

For the whole country in the 500 m grid determined wind roses are on the side of the LUBW available. These are calculated using a mesoscale model. (see Chapter 4.3.7).
Fig. 4/17: Wind field in Stuttgart at 10 m altitude with a wind flow from northwest, computed with DIWIMO; SCHAEDLER, LOHMEYER, 1996
Fig. 4/18: Examples of synthetic wind roses in Stuttgart, computed on the basis of DIWIMO; SCHAEDLER, LOHMEYER, 1996